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Windy Hill Open Space Preserve

For two weekends in a row, rain had spoiled our plans to hike. It's been a month since being on a trail, and we were itching to get back out there. Finally, a glimpse of hope appeared in the horizon (aka the weekend forecast in the Wunderground app), and things were looking good. 

The day had finally arrived and we were moments away from embarking on the trail. The sun was out, the wind was mild, and there were other hikers already on the trail with their dogs. All was right with the world. 

There are several combinations of trails to take at the Windy Hill Open Space Preserve. There are short trails, long trails, fairly wide trails with gradual ascents, trails out in the open and trails in a forest. There is surely something here for everyone; even dogs! Not all trails are open to pets, so its nice when we stumble upon them. 

When hiking, I prefer taking loops rather than reaching a point and back tracking. Unless I know that I will be back fairly soon, I would like to see the different views and paths! For this trail, we parked at the Portolla Road parking lot, located in the northeastern tip of the park. We headed south on Betsy Crowder Trail, past the Sausal Pond and took a right onto Spring Ridge Trail. Open green hills, spring foliage blooming, and a gradual incline will take you to the eastern end of the park to the Skyline Blvd parking lot. At this point, you are given a choice between a smoother path on the right, or a yet another incline to the left (Anniversary Trail). As in life, that which we work for is more rewarding, and so we went left. This path will take you through some taller shrubbery but will eventually open up to a view overlooking the hills you had just climbed. Things always look better from the top! 

Continuing on this trail, you will then come across yet another fork in the road; Hamms Gulch Trail or Lost Trail. If you're someone who likes to know where they're going, then maps are your best friend! I knew we were not prepared to take the Lost Trail (which would've added 4.5 miles to our hike) so we steered left onto the gulch. This path will take you through a forest, which every so often allows the sun to shine through the forest canopy. (Note, this path is also the only dog friendly option.) Nearing the end of your descent, you can either explore Eagle Trail to the right, or take a left back towards the the pond. If you do take a left, you will eventually pass the gulch, though small in stature, is quite a serene location. Take a moment to relax and enjoy the water, or not. Who am I to tell you how to enjoy your hike? Past the stream, you will find yourself on paved road, continue down this path until you reconnect with the the main trail. You will see signs along the way, and heading towards Portolla Road will take you back to your starting point. 

This path is approximately 7.6 miles. You can certainly add another 4.6 miles if you take the Lost Trail to Razorback Ridge, making your trek 12.2 miles! There are also three parking lots on the outskirts of Windy Hill, one in the northeastern corner, and two on the western side. Be aware that there may be snakes and lizards on the trail, as well as dogs, runners, and other hikers so be aware of your surroundings! This trail is definitely one worth bringing your dog to if you have one, but please remember to leave no trace behind! Happy hiking!

Windy Hill Open Space Preserve map

Closing notes and hiking logistics:

  • Weather: Sunny; 60-70 degrees
  • Distance travelled: 8.125 miles *
  • Duration: 3 hours 6 minutes
  • Calories burned: 965 calories *

* Calculations above were attained by averaging data from the RunKeeper app and the AppleWatch Workout app