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The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris

I quickly became a fan of Tim Ferris ever since I stumbled upon his podcast back in July of 2015. Back when I was unemployed. Recently let go from my first engineering company. Nearly crushing the dreams of a fresh out of college student. It was not because of lack of performance [or so I'd like to believe], but rather, I was told I no longer fit into their budget plan for the coming year.

"Last one in, first one out." Life's not fair.

I eventually found a better opportunity than the previous. Listening to many hours of guest interviews discussing how they overcame hardships and how they achieved milestones in their lives and careers definitely helped me to keep pushing forward. It was not until recently, that I decided to read Tim's book. 

I lost sleep reading this book. It was that good. I finished the entire book within 3 days of opening it, I would've finished sooner if I didn't need to sleep because of work. I probably should not have started reading it on a Tuesday.. 

This was not the typical, general, self-help type of book circulating the market. This was not the book telling you that everything happens for a reason, and good things will happen if you wait for the opportunities. No. This book is about grit. It was about become greater than yourself, and pursuing possibilities that you never would have dreamed of if you continued to sit on the couch of complacency. Although the lifestyle that Tim describes is one that many would love to live, it is not for every one. Not everyone can become a doctor, or lawyer, or astronaut. Much is the case that not everyone can become an entrepreneur. However, if you believe you do have what it takes, this book is worth picking up. The details in which Tim helps map out a path towards success and how to live the "New Rich" lifestyle and how to attain results. However, even if you don't have plans on becoming your own boss, there are also outlines for how to gain more freedom in your work environment. Overall, this was an eye-opening read for me. I learned plenty of things that I would not have come across, had I not opened this book. I'd love to tell you all the helpful insight I got from this book, but I think you'd learn more if you read it for yourself.