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about me:

Born in Pampanga, Philippines, but raised in San Francisco, California. I've always known very early than I wanted to be a part of something bigger. I had hopes of becoming a doctor, a pilot, or engineer. Growing up, I quickly realized I did not have the stomach for blood, nor heights.. So I pursued the latter. I graduated from San Francisco State University with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy. I don't exactly know what I want to do just yet, but I do know that I want to travel the world and leave a positive impact!

Want to know more?

As far as I can remember, I have always been fascinated with stories and mythology, so much so that I've attributed quotes to many facets of my life.  One quote in particular has stuck with me since reading it back in 1999, when I was in the 5th grade.. Not all who wander are lost

Just because someone may not seem to have direction or a goal in life, doesn't mean that they're lost. Some just need to explore and satisfy their curiosities. For them, the value is in the journey, not the destination.

Enter: Wanderlustnoun. a strong, innate desire to travel.

7th grade. My history teacher, my Mr. Feeny, begins the first day of class by showing us a map. Not of the United States, but of Africa. Tanzania to be exact. A strange place I've certainly never heard of in the entirety of my young life. He proceeds to show the class brochure pictures of the mountain, and explain that he had just came from climbing "Mt Kilimanjaro."  I distinctly recall many students, myself included, being very skeptical. I mean, why on earth would anyone want to climb a mountain, in the dessert, with giant animals chasing you?! Very strange stuff. 

Still with me? Cool. At the beginning of my junior year of high school, some friends were discussing their family vacations to places like Hawaii, France, and other popular tourist destinations. Their summer adventures were far more glamorous than what my summer had been, which I spent playing basketball when I wasn't working at a juice store near my home. I was so enticed by the their stories, I started researching how much such trips would cost. Sadly, I was nowhere near the amount I needed to finance such trips. 

Summer before my first year of college. [There's a point to this, I promise.] Out of curiosity, I sign up for a Greek Myths and Philosophy class. I figured, if I couldn't go to all these amazing places, I could at least learn about them. *LIGHTBULB*  Why settle for learning about places? The only person telling me what I can and can't do was myself.. These restrictions were founded out of thin air. Traveling was not out of arm's reach. I just had to figure out the logistics... 

[present day] I've just recently come back from a week-long adventure in Hawaii. I swam in the reefs, hiked through some "closed" mountain trails, and ate at some awesome foodie spots! And I'm already itching for my next adventure! Maybe the subterranean tunnels of Utah? Or the majestic mountains of Oregon? Life is a constantly evolving journey, and I can't wait for my next adventure! 


What you'll find in this blog:

My thoughts on various subjects including travel advice, wellness, and my adventures.