8 things traveling can teach you about yourself

8 things traveling can teach you about yourself

Whether you’re a Weekend Warrior or a full-time Adventurer, there is no denying that the desire to travel is in all of us. The pursuit of somewhere new will always call upon us, and the only way to scratch that itch is to give in. 

Here are 8 things traveling can teach you about yourself:

1) Independence

Most of us travel with a group because there is a sense of safety and security. However, there are times when you want to visit a site that isn’t of interest to others.

Traveling solo will allow you to embrace your independence. A solo trip empowers you to see what you want to see, when you want to see it. This is freedom.

Solo traveling is not without its risks though. It is important to know what areas are safe for travellers, especially if you are travelling abroad. Be diligent in your research. (That is part of being independent!)

For the less experienced traveler, independence can still be cultivated while traveling in a group. Although you will need to make accommodations for the members of your travel group, this experience can be just as fulfilling. You will be able to create memories with those you travel with that you cannot otherwise make when traveling alone.

Traveling in a group is all about give-and-take, and being able to orchestrate an itinerary that will make everyone happy, is perhaps the most difficult aspect of traveling with others.

Remember, it’s okay to take some time apart from the group and venture out on your own if what you want to see are not of interest to the others.

Be a leader and voice your thoughts about what sights to see and places to explore. This will be good practice and will help develop your independence.

2) Confidence

Sadly, many of us lack it. Or at least we think we do.

It's easy to remain in your comfort zone because you know what to expect. It’s a safe place. Anything outside of what we know can be scary and this is especially true for traveling.

Traveling is about acknowledging your fears and having the confidence to do it anyway. It takes courage and belief in oneself to go somewhere unknown and break away from the familiar routines of daily life.

In doing what we fear, we overcome our self-imposed limitations. Venturing into the unknown will only reaffirm your ability to push yourself, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised to learn what you’re capable of.

3) Mistakes make for good stories

Whether due to bad timing or inevitable occurrences, plans can, and will, go south. Taking the wrong subway line, forgetting the name of your hotel, or just finding yourself somewhere you did not anticipate, are typically not good situations, unless you’re traveling.

Take these opportunities to diverge from your previous plans and be spontaneous. Embellish in the experience of being somewhere you did not plan to be. Explore your surroundings.

Although this can become a stressful time, it will prompt you to be fully present. You will be forced to engage with foreign surroundings and find yourself interacting with new people or seeing places you did not plan to see.  These experiences may even become some of your fondest memories from your trip.

Many unexpected events can happen while traveling. When they do, they present you with a chance to practice flexibility.

You may not always be able to change the circumstances you’re in, but you can always choose how you react.

4) Patience

In our daily routines, we know what to expect. We know where to get good coffee, when the train comes and the quickest route to get home. 

When we travel, especially somewhere new, it takes time to familiarize yourself with the location. Straightforward tasks suddenly become difficult and time consuming. If your time is limited, this can be especially frustrating.

You will never be be completely prepared in foreign surroundings, and that is something you must learn to accept. How you react to unexpected difficulties will only better your problem solving skills. And when you solve these problems, you are cultivating your patience, which will help you solve other future problems.

5) It’s okay to try new things

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

While visiting new places, it can be expected that you’ll be forced to try new things. This could be sampling new foods, drinks, or participating in foreign customs.

If you embrace the new sights, smells and tastes, you’ll expand your travel experience as well as your mind. Do not be afraid to venture into the unknown, you might enjoy it.

6) Your Likes & Dislikes

New activities not only teach us about the places we visit, but they also teach us about ourselves. Tasting new foods, meeting new people, and seeing different customs will help you further define yourself.

You will learn what interests you and what doesn’t.

You will better understand what you appeals to you and what you’d rather avoid.

7) What you need in life

While travelling, you learn to identify what is truly important in your life.

You think you need to pack everything into your suitcase because you will need it later. Experience teaches you that you actually don’t use or even need everything in your baggage. In time, you’ll differentiate between what you actually need versus what you think you need.

Travelling also implores you to reflect on what possessions, practices and relationships are and are not essential for your happiness.

8) Gratitude

Travel allows us to see other parts of the world, but perhaps more importantly, it helps us better understand ourselves.

By leaving behind your home and daily routine, you will gain perspective of what you have. You will better understand and appreciate your life.

Be mindful with each journey, the people you meet and the memories you create.

Make the most of your experiences and learn from them.

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