Why I will NEVER be an Xfinity Comcast customer

 I do not understand why there is such a large disconnect between the Xfinity customer service reps, the technicians, and the other departments... it disheartens me to say that I will never become an Xfinity customer after this train-wreck of an experience. 

    I’m sure that there are good customer service representatives and installation technicians working at Xfinity; I just wish that one of those representatives had helped me from the get-go. 

1 week in Oahu, Hawaii

the bell permeates a sound of deep calm and peace, meant to cleanse the mind of evil and temptation, and is thought to bring happiness, blessings and a long life. Inside the temple itself, sits a golden statue of the Buddha towering nine feet. This temple is a place for serenity, for private thought and inner peace..

Seal Point, San Mateo

Seal Point, located on the eastern coast of San Mateo, is a haven for city dwellers looking to temporarily escape into nature. There lies an abundance of dirt and paved trails intertwined with each other, crossing paths on hills and stair cases, making this small park a great place to do various physical activities.

The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris

I lost sleep reading this book. It was that good. I finished the entire book within 3 days of opening it, I would've finished sooner if I didn't need to sleep because of work. I probably should not have started reading it on a Tuesday.. 

Windy Hill Open Space Preserve

For two weekends in a row, rain had spoiled our plans to hike. It's been a month since being on a trail, and we were itching to get back out there. Finally, a glimpse of hope appeared in the horizon and things were looking good. 

The day had finally arrived and we were moments away from embarking on the trail. The sun was out, the wind was mild, and there were other hikers already on the trail with their dogs. All was right with the world. 

Hector and the Search for Happiness

In fact, it's only when we are otherwise engaged, you know, focused, absorbed, inspired, communicating, discovering, learning, dancing, for heaven's sake, that we experience happiness as a by-product, a side-effect. Oh no. We should concern ourselves not so much with the pursuit of happiness, but, with the happiness of pursuit.


Everyone has their definition of what success is or what the good life means to them; the issue is not what those things are, but how we get them.